Dalība izstādē IFAT 2024

Rotons SIA jau 6. reizi piedalās izstādē IFAT, kas notiek reizi 2 gados Minhenes izstāžu centrā! Plānojam satikt savus jau esošos partnerus, kā arī nodibināt jaunus kontaktus! Mūsu stends atrodas hallē B3 nr.122!

Ja esat izstādē, tad būsiet laipni aicināti apmeklēt mūsu stendu! B3.122!

IFAT 2024 norisināsies no 13. līdz 17. maijam!

Rotons SIA stends izstādē Resta 2024, no 25. līdz 27. aprīlim Viļnā!

Rotons SIA stends izstādē Resta 2024, no 25. līdz 27. aprīlim Viļnā!

Esam sagatavojuši izstādei arī dažus jaunumus: jauno tauku separatoru TS50M un laipu pontonu FB10 ar pretslīdošu virsmu, kuru var izmantot bez terases dēļu klājuma!

Augstas pievienotās vērtības investīcijas SIA "ROTONS" ražotnē . Projekta numurs 22-04-A00641-000083

SIA “ROTONS” ar Eiropas lauksaimniecības fonda lauku attīstībai Latvijas Lauku attīstības programmas 2014. – 2020. gadam pasākuma “Atbalsts ieguldījumiem ar lauksaimniecību nesaistītu darbību radīšanā un attīstīšanā” līdzfinansēto projektu

Nr. 22-04-A00641-000083 ir iegādājies un uzstādījis 71,76 kW saules paneļu sistēmu.

Vairāk informācijas par Eiropas Lauksaimniecības fondu lauku attīstībai pieejams EK tīmekļa vietnē

Participation at IFAT 2016

ROTONS Ltd. will participate at the exhibition IFAT 2012 from 30. of May to 3. of June in Munich, Germany. We look forward to seeing you at our booth - B6.527!

Plastic plant modernisation

ROTONS Ltd. is implementing a project of Plastics plant modernization for higher value production and a substantial improvement in the production process (ID No. APV/ as part of the fourth selection round of the program for Entrepreneurship and Innovations Appendix for Activities in high value-added investment projects. On 10th September, 2014 the Agreement on ERDF project No. L-APV-14-196 between the Latvian Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) and SIA ROTON as beneficiaries was concluded. The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

Participation at IFAT 2012

ROTONS Ltd. will participate at the exhibition IFAT 2012 from 7 to 11 May in Munich, Germany. We look forward to seeing you at our booth - B6.504!

Quality management system ISO 9001:2009

ROTONS Ltd. has implemented production process quality management system ISO 9001:2009. Certified area of activity – large size plastic parts production with rotational molding method:
•            production of sewage pumping stations;
•            production of water metering wells.

ROTONS Ltd. – 3rd place in Export and Innovation Award 2011

On 15 December 2011 for the seventh consecutive year the Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIAA) in collaboration with the Ministry of Economics within the contest Export and Innovation Award 2011 awarded recognitions in 32 categories to the most successful Latvian companies distinguished by innovation.

We are proud to announce that ROTONS Ltd. won 3rd place in the category - Import Substitute product.

1st place –  Karšu izdevniecība Jāņa sēta Ltd. (system JS GPS sekošana)
2nd place – NP Foods Ltd. (Laima juice candies)
3rd place – ROTONS Ltd. (isolated water measuring wells PM400 and PM500)

New Rosme Ltd. (lingerie, corsets)
Rauzas kompānija Ltd. (furniture collection MINT Light Living)

Proud of our and other Latvian companies’ success! 

Cluster of clean technologies

ROTONS Ltd. is a cooperation partner with the Latvian Biotechnology Association in the Clean Technology Cluster project, which is implemented in accordance with contract No. L-KAP-12-0009 in cooperation with the Latvian Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) from 12.9.2012.

Participation at international trade fairs

ROTONS Ltd. in cooperation with the Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIAA) works on a project for SIA ROTONS’s participation at international trade fairs IFAT 2012 and ESTBUILD 2012. Project contract No. L-ATA-12-1165.